Can You Afford an All-Star Who is not a Team Player?

Can You Afford an All-Star Who is not a Team Player?

This is always a tough situation, especially for a new leader. You inherit a group who has a high-level contributor, but unfortunately, they’re not a team player. They’ve been instrumental in getting high-end work completed, but sometimes they can leave a trail of...
How Do You Build Strong Relationships at Work?

How Do You Build Strong Relationships at Work?

I’m an advocate of building solid working relationships with your colleagues – those who report to you, those within your department and cross functionally where that makes sense. We don’t have to become best friends, but it’s important to understand the context of...
Sometimes Struggle is Just What We Need

Sometimes Struggle is Just What We Need

A man found the cocoon of an emperor moth and took it home to watch it emerge. One day a small opening appeared, and for several hours the moth struggled but couldn’t seem to force its body past a certain point. Deciding something was wrong, the man took scissors and...
Isn’t Improvement Just Part of Their Job?

Isn’t Improvement Just Part of Their Job?

Why are we going to all this fuss to get people to embrace Continuous Improvement—shouldn’t it just be part of their job, something they do all the time? That’s what someone said to me. They felt that we didn’t need special tactics, training, or a...
Why is Good Leadership So Elusive?

Why is Good Leadership So Elusive?

Isn’t this a great question? It’s one we don’t really talk about too much. But I’d bet we all could agree on this statement—good leadership is hard to find. And when you work for someone with really great leadership skills, it’s amazing how fun and fulfilling work can...